Thursday, October 30, 2008

International Education Week

November 17-21 is International Education Week.

Like any other commemorative week or month (or year, for that matter) of some merit, the question arises "why just one week (or month or year)?" Today, international/global education is so essential that it should be incorporated into all subject areas spanning many if not all grades.

We all know this, but according to a recent report from the Committee for Economic Development our students, upon graduation, will be: selling to other countries, buying from other countries, working for international companies, managing employees from other cultures and countries, collaborating with people around the world in joint ventures, competing with people around the world for jobs and markets, and tackling international problems such as climate change, diseases, and disaster recovery.

For some good online resources, go to and click on the tag "Global Studies" in the right hand tool bar.

  • How do you address global education in your classroom?
  • Is your school and/or district supportive?
  • What resources, methods, or advice to you have for your colleagues who want to expand global education within their schools?

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