Friday, November 21, 2008

21st Century Skills and Social Studies

I received the following email from a social studies teacher here in Vermont. I'm interested in your reactions, comments, and feedback:

Hi Sigrid,

I just read over the DOE Transformation document and the 21st Century Skills document again and here's my thought. I'd like social studies to take the lead in creating and implementing plans for these goals to be obtained. The integrated nature of the content with emphasis on packaged skills is right up our alley.

The last time DOE began an initiative, (Standards), we were dragged kicking, screaming and late to the meeting. The fallout has been that we have been marginalized and made adjunct English teachers. We can do better.

Let's embrace this stuff and move forward with it. Form a committee of people around the state that can look at these documents through the lense of classroom teachers who consistently synthesize relevant topics, pursue inquiry and cause students to create meaningful, integrated presentations.

On our best days that's what social studies does.


pdrescher said...

Great idea.. there is so much within the Social Studies content that could be tied to 21st century.. especially the whole communication, collaboration aspect. Good letter...

Lindy Johnson said...

Maybe including a link to the transformation document would be helpful.

Unknown said...

I know that the state is offering a summer institute designed to create teams of teachers within a school or district to lead on the integration of 21st century skills into our schools. The teams have to include a social studies teacher.
Here is the link to the site
I have never been a fan of the "standards" movement, but I think this may offer real possibilities. We should get involved in as many ways as possible.