Monday, March 2, 2009

Online Partnerships Around Social Studies Content

One of the most exciting uses of Web 2.0 tools today in the classroom is for collaborating - either with a content provider through video conferencing or with another classroom in a different location around the U.S. or world. The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is one nonprofit that you can use to do both (CILC is the site that Sean Wallace used to find his partners in the story above.)

Educators can choose from more than 900 teacher-evaluated, national standards-based programs at CILC partners with over 150 national and international content providers to offer programs ranging from the sciences to math to history and more.

Through CILC’s Collaboration Center, you can post and search for collaborative learning
opportunities to engage students in active learning exchange. The following are some examples of requests that teachers are currently posting:

· I'd like my newly formed Debate Club (grades 7 & 8) to hold a live debate with another middle school. We meet after school 3-4:30. We're located in NJ.
· Are your 3rd graders studying a country in Africa? If so, a Long Island, NY, 3rd grade class would like to collaborate with you. The NY class has been studying Kenya and would like to share what they've learned with another class.
· Some students from our school are travelling to Japan in April 2009. We would like to meet up with Japanese school to learn more about the culture and share some of our Canadian culture.
· Our 2nd grade classes study rural, urban, and suburban communities. We would like very much to find rural and urban partners for an opportunity to compare and contrast our communities
· Looking for partnering classrooms who were originally a part of the Louisiana Purchase, which include AR, OK, MO, IA, MN, ND, SD, KS, CO, WY, and MT.
· We would love to have a school in Alaska collaborate with us on a year long building wide project as we explore Alaskan culture, history, education and the actual Iditarod race.
· I am looking for a partner school outside the U.S. that would be interested in using a Polycom video conferencing system. We would use it to discuss cultural similarities and differences as well as key topics such as global warming, childhood poverty, genocide, the new flat world.
· "I am a Citizen of the World" Media literacy course of High school students looking for same age group or college students who are interested in having dialogue on cultural and global issues of varying topics.
· Students in the grade levels 8, 9 are working with GPS Units; this has been great for our students and would like to collaborate with another school using GPS!

Visit CILC's website at to find out about content or collaboration opportunities for your classroom (click on the "Content for Students" tab at the top of the page.)

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