Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bernie and Leahy Support Civic Education

To friends and colleagues in Vermont:

We are pleased to inform you that Senator Patrick Leahy and Bernard Sanders have cosigned a letter to the chair and to the ranking minority member of the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations subcommittee requesting funding for the Civic Education Program (ESEA II-Part C3) in the Department of Education, which supports the domestic and international programs of the Center for Civic Education.

We hope that you will show your appreciation for Senator Leahy and Senator Sanders's action by faxing each a note of thanks. The senators' contact information is listed below my signature. Also, please let your Vermont friends and colleagues know about Senator senators' support for civic education in our nation's schools.

Thank you for considering this request and for continuing your efforts in encouraging your other members of Congress to cosign.

Charles N. Quigley, Executive Director
Center for Civic Education
5145 Douglas Fir Road
Calabasas, CA 91302

FAX Senator Patrick Leahy
United States Senate
Washington, DC
United States Phone: 202-224-4242
Phone: 802-863-2525FAX: 202-224-3479

Senator Bernard Sanders
United States Senate
Washington, DC
United States Phone: 202-224-5141
FAX: 202-228-0776

For many online resources that support civic education in the classroom, go to

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